Monday, September 10, 2007

Bad Day

Right now I want a TV. I spent the weekend at my grandfather's memorial and am feeling lonesome for family and worried about everyone. On top of that, today my daughter practically clobbered another kid going after a toy. She seems to have had a bad day at school but can't communicate what's really going on as she's only 3. But clearly she's really troubled right now and acting out big time and I don't have the faintest idea how to handle it. I'm realizing (again) that I have no idea what I'm doing as a parent. I called my brother and said, "Why does it feel like it's only my kid doing these things?" He said that everyone feels that way and every kid does stuff like this as they grow up. It felt so good to hear that. But I'm thinking that my more gentle approach to parenting & discipline isn't working and so it's time (again) to change course. Will I ever figure it out? I know, I know, no one ever does...but it still feels crummy to have a kid who is a big fat jerk sometimes.

So right now I could use a telelvision to feel less isloated, less frustrated, less raw. I want to escape. I want to sit in front of the talking box and forget. Instead I guess I'll do dishes and go to bed. Maybe I'll sign up with Netflix first and order some movies.

1 comment:

bogey said...

I am also thinking about grampa and have NOT turned on the TV for company. I sort of want some companionship, and luckily I have a doggie who is happy to be home and needs a walk. The television really is NOISE more than anything. You can't really think - or remember - with noise in your ears. Love, Bogey