Thursday, November 29, 2007

December is a day away...still no television

The September Experiment has become the September, October, November experiment. November was a bit trying for us because we missed some big football games and that sucked. But otherwise we're really liking not having television. We like that our kids never see us watching television. They still watch DVDs as a way to relax (read: get out of our hair for FIVE MINUTES) but when it comes to modeling, they're not seeing us vegging in front of the tv which is good.

Tonight my husband and I sat in front of the fireplace and lit candles and listened to music and talked before reading, surfing the web for a while. Would never have done that if the tv was on all night. So right now I'm really liking not having access to television.

Oh, and every time I go to the grocery store and see the headlines of magazines like Us and People, I feel more and more alienated from that bizarro world that is our weird celebrity/pop culture obsession. Who really gives a sh*t if Britney ran over some douchebag's toe? I mean, really. (And this is coming from a former People subscriber.) Let's talk about global warming. Let's talk about making less waste. Let's talk about literature--great new books that make your heart pound in your chest. Great new music! What about all the great music being made out there that no one hears because the marketing machine isn't behind them? Not to get all granola and crunchy, but it just seems like such a waste of our energy, and our brain cells, to spend time on topics such as whether Pam Anderson has had her implants removed and reinserted (again). It's just a waste. And the further I get away from the popular culture that spills from the television, the more clearly I see it as a warped, twisted marketing and slander machine.

Stepping off of soap box.

So life without television is treating us well. However (there is always a "however")--our computer and internet time is still pretty sky-high. At times it feels like we have our own little personal televisions now with our laptops. And if I think about not having a computer, I get a bit shaky and sweaty--like I'd really be cut off from the world then. I'd really feel utterly and totally OUT OF IT.

okay. bed time.

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